Sunny Sky's Animal Rescue

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sparky needs a home!!!

Look into those big browns eyes, ok now listen carefully, your eyelids are getting heavy, you will adopt this wonderful dog...... ah who needs hypnosis when you got the cutest face like our dear sparky here! He is probably the only dog that would sit and hold still for a photo!  He was an owner surrender from Puyallup, WA and isnt used to living in a kennel.  He is about 78 pounds and most likely a lab/mastiff/pit mix.  He is a wonderful dog and needs to find a home!!! PLEASE come and see this guy, he has the Sunny Sky's seal of approval!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Everyone had a good bath:)

You're going to find a good home, but first you need a bath!

All of our dogs arrived safe and smelly yesterday, finally!!!! With the help of our dedicated volunteers (a thousand thank yous!!) we worked all day Tuesday bathing dirty dogs! Maybe next time we should just call Mike Rowe for this dirty job! They are all now comfy and resting for their big day! You think you have seen adorable before, ha, you aint seen nothin! These dogs have been stretching their cute muscles and are ready! So come on down to see the dogs 1pm-5pm today, thursday or friday! But you better come fast, these cute faces won't be here long:)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Another day.... another 1,000 mile journey on a bus full of dogs!

Just another day at Sunny Sky's Animal Rescue.... wait a second its liberation day!  Well technically tomorrow is liberation day for about 70 dogs in L.A. So pack your umbrellas and rain boots because you are headed up north to find your forever home!  Team rescue dogs from the streets of  L.A. and bring them up to a rainy wonderland (the name is a work in progress) is underway!  Our team of brave souls left the parking this afternoon at 2pm with only each other and a box of frosted cherry pop tarts.  According to the schedule, they should find themselves sleep deprived on the doorsteps of East Valley Shelter at noon Sunday, then from there they head up to another shelter and press on with a herd of barking dogs where they will meet an army of young and willing volunteers.  So here's to our Rescue Bus and our team volunteers, in the words of Bette Midler "did you ever know that you're my hero."

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